Volunteer Week

Educo.ie Volunteer Week to India.
November 9 – 17 2019


Make a difference with the gift of education – pay it forward!

Do you wish you could do more to give back on a global level and share your success and life-skills?

Do you want to be part of something bigger?

Do you want to transform lives and enjoy new and exciting global experiences?

Educo.ie promotes prosperity to children through learning in India. We build better futures for Indian children, their families and communities. We strive to alleviate the female education gender imbalance; which is one of the most important factors in India’s economic development. Find out more about us on our website: www.educo.ie.

You can help us to give back! Join our Volunteering week from November 9 to 17 2019. We will be visiting Educo learning sites in India, and our volunteers can get involved and see how we work.

You can help us in any of the following areas:

  • General IT skills instruction
  • English homework help
  • English language teaching
  • School administration assistance
  • Gardening/ new tree planting at schools
  • Painting
  • Team building exercises and outings
  • Sports
  • Motivational speaking to inspire

Educo.ie is a registered charity in Ireland and in India (Bombay Public Charitable Trust Number E- 25425). The organisation was founded in the Republic of Ireland in 2006 and is run by volunteers who oversee several programmes throughout the country, which in total provide education for over 3,000 underprivileged children in multiple communities. The Founder and Chairman of Educo is Grattan Boyland and the CEO of Educo.ie is Tom Mc Govern, who both act in these roles as volunteers.

We want you to get involved

a) Raise funds for Educo.ie

b) Join our on-site giving-back project either as an individual contributor and/or involve your co-workers as part of a corporate team.

c) Be part of a bigger picture! Volunteer your time and skills.

  • Volunteering with Educo.ie provides huge personal growth and fulfilment for all involved.
  • Corporate volunteerism aids team building, reduces staff attrition, and promotes skill-set development. Giving back benefits everyone.
  • As an employee, you can join the project and consider involving your employer for match funding, corporate sponsorship and co-operation.
  • Help Educo to keep children in full-time education – work with us to redress the female education gender imbalance which has been proven to be one of the most important factors in India’s economic development. You can help to educate and improve the daily lives of children with Educo.ie.
  • Educo undertakes the training of teachers from the areas local to its schools, thus providing direct investment back into the local community.
  • Computer training is actively promoted – ensuring the most underprivileged children are given the skills necessary for modern employment environments.

Volunteer with Educo.ie – the change starts here!

  • Each Volunteer raises a minimum of €2,000 to cover the costs of their own volunteering trip. These costs include; flights (both to and from India and all internal flights), visa, accommodation, food, travel (internal minibus transfers to and from hotel and schools), and Educo t-shirts.
  • The volunteer then fundraises to match their travel costs with €2,000 (or more) in fundraising/corporate donations to Educo for school building and teaching costs for the children.
  • We kindly ask each volunteer to look after their own private travel insurance through their travel agent/insurance provider.


Volunteer Itinerary – the change starts here:

Saturday 9th Nov to Sunday 17th Nov 2019

Saturday AM: Depart Dublin to Dubai; Dubai to Kolkata.

Sunday AM: Arrive in Kolkata Stay at the Tollygunge Club.

Monday AM: Morning visit to Educo’s Tangra school in Kolkata. Visit the local communities in the local slum towns where our students live.

Monday PM: Visit Educo-donated Hope Life Skills school. Visit the after-school tuition centre that is coordinated by The Hope Foundation in the slums at Howrah.

Tuesday AM: Fly to Siliguri, (Bagdogra Airport) West Bengal. Meet Sebastian Martis, the leader of Chakra Society (our charity partner in India). Minibus drive to Educo’s St Conleth’s School.

Tuesday PM: Stay in Tiyabon Hostel. Dinner.

Wednesday AM: Attend St Conleth’s School. The School will organise a Sports Day, with students from all our schools in the area.

Wednesday PM: Evening visit into local houses in the tea gardens. Visit a tea factory to see how the tea leaves are dried.

Thursday AM: Attend Educo’s St Thomas School. Shadow the teachers with their teaching and help decorate the school building.

Thursday PM: Trip to Bhutan (a beautiful country on the eastern edge of the Himalayan Mountains)

Friday AM: Attend Educo’s St Peter & Pauls School. Shadow the teachers with their teaching and help decorate the school building.

Friday PM: Go to Kalchini (one of Educo’s new school sites).

Saturday AM: Drive back to Siliguri (Bagdogra Airport). Fly back to Kolkata.

Saturday PM: Meet Mr. Anirudh in central Kolkata and view his clothing factory giving employment to deaf and mute adults. Stay at the Tollygunge Club.

Sunday AM: Depart Kolkatta to Dubai; Dubai to Dublin.

For more information, follow this link to our website www.educo.ie

You can also message Tom Mc Govern: Tom@educo.ie

Phone +353 861956831

Charity number 17147